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User Experience Audit

UX/UI Evaluation and Design Advice and Insights


About the service

Conducting a UX audit is a valuable process for assessing and enhancing the usability, accessibility, and overall satisfaction of your eCommerce website. We commence with a comprehensive UX Audit to explore user behaviours on your website.

Proceed with a UI review focused on maintaining visual uniformity across different screens and elements. Lastly, an Accessibility Audit crafted to meet the requirements of users with disabilities, guaranteeing inclusivity and usability for all.

Auditing and designing user experiences necessitate a blend of tangible and intangible data analysis, culminating in the implementation of conclusions through suitable technical solutions.


of websites utilize ambiguous labels, causing users to potentially overlook them while attempting to filter for specific items.

Source: Baymard Institute


of websites do not employ error messages tailored precisely to the specific issue that caused the error.

Source: Baymard Institute


of Mobile sites fail to emphasise the current scope within the main navigation menu.

Source: Baymard Institute

What we do

UX as an integral component of the Customer Journey

The aim is to eliminate all barriers in the customer journey, crafting it so that users are well-informed, emotionally connected to your brand, and eager to engage.

Convertion Rate Optimization

To convert users into clients, provide them with what they are seeking and guide them to the right places to complete the purchase process, meeting both their needs and yours.

360 Data Analyzis

Begin by gathering both tangible and intangible data, then analyse and utilise them to enhance the decision-making process for the advancement of your eCommerce store.

UX Audit and Design step by step


Scope: External look at your website with simple benchmark 

Attendees: Dedicated UX Expert.

  • Identifying the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) - crucial for the first impression and conveying the main message on the site (both intended and actual).
  • Evaluate the Product and Category pages, Navigation, Checkout process, and Newsletter subscription.
  • Benchmarking: 2 pages pertinent to your website.
  • The outcome is a comprehensive final report detailing Key focus areas, Identified threats, Best practices, Benchmarking comparisons.


Scope: Mapping vital procedures and functions 

Attendees: We have a UX designer and moderator on our side and your team's participation is essential.

The UX Foundation Final Report includes:

  • A strategic document outlining the design direction and form.
  • Key competitive advantages aligned with user needs.
  • Store functionalities overview.
  • Screens and design drafts for the process.


Scope: Concept of the main page

Attendee: UI designer

  • Key elements of the main page are designed like buttons, menus, navigation, and text structure 
  • Your team is to review and approve key components of the main page design, before delving into the detailed design of the rest of the page.


Scope: 12 desktop and mobile views and Style Guide

Attendee: UI designer

  • List of views Product list, product page Shopping cart, Account page, Information page, Helpful Resources, Cancellation page, About us, Search, Contact, 404 error, Checkout page.
  • The Style Guide comprises essential graphic components such as typography, colour schemes, action buttons, text fields, and tables, along with instructions on their project integration. It is tailored for the IT team to facilitate precise code documentation.

Magento & Adobe Commerce B2B features

To enhance the purchasing journey, we create a Magento & Adobe B2B platform equipped with the following features:

User-friendly self-service

Ensure the users can reorder fast, assign different roles and permissions within a company.

Comprehensive end-to-end reporting

To offer comprehensive data to enhance your decision-making process.

Automation features

Automating order placement and fulfilment can decrease call centre volumes and alleviate pressure on sales representatives.

Who we work for

Service models

A dedicated team managed by Fabrity Commerce

The model consists in hiring an entire cross-functional team covering all roles and skills that works exclusively on a specific project. The client pays for the end-to-end project and acts as the product owner. The service provided by Fabrity covers all risks related to the team workflow, performance, and results.

Decide on a dedicated team when:

  • Your company needs an external production team.

  • You are looking for a partner that will manage the team’s daily work.

  • Your project is short-term and needs to be completed quickly.

  • You need someone to organize the project’s workflow for you.

  • You need a contract to minimize project-related risks.

Staff augmentation or a team managed by the client

The client employs one or more IT specialists with the specific qualifications desired who work together with the client’s team (on the same principles and performing the same duties). Fabrity is responsible for selecting specialists with the necessary qualifications.

Decide on an augmentation model when:

  • You need IT specialists with the specific skills required for a project.

  • You are looking for staff members with rare or high-level skills.

  • You have well-established design practices and procedures.

  • Your employees will take care of the organization and management tasks.

  • You can quickly organize the necessary tools, equipment, and space.

Hybrid teams

A hybrid team is a mix of a dedicated team and a staff augmentation model. There are two types of hybrid solutions. In the first, each role on the development team is filled both by one of your employees and by an external employee. In the second, the roles on the team are clearly delineated between internal and external employees, and the proportion of in-house employees is no more than half.

Decide on a hybrid solution when:

  • Your staff needs specific skills for the project.

  • You need an addition to your IT specialist team.

  • You can manage the project and organize the group’s tasks on your own.

  • You want to establish knowledge transfer between your and Fabrity’s team.

Software development hubs

Clients get access to the IT talent pool and scale up and down the team depending on the current business challenges. At the same time, they want to avoid considerable upfront investment, time-consuming recruitment, and paying for expensive consulting services. As a software house, Fabrity can become a go-to software development hub allowing you to extend your teams quickly and effectively.

Decide on software development hubs when:

  • You are looking for a reliable IT service provider for a long-term collaboration.

  • You need constant access to a large IT talent pool.

  • The team’s scalability is crucial.

  • You want to avoid incurring upfront costs.

How we work


Contact us

Ask for a quote for your project scope.


Discovery session

Setup an initial discovery session in the next three days.



Receive a proposal with technical strategy, backlog definition, team sizing, and budget estimates.



Review and sign off a contract based on SCRUM approach depending on how well defined your project scope is.



Start a project with a dedicated team.


Long-term cooperation

Cooperate with a team in a fully transparent way, receive project deliverables in iterations as planned.

Tech stack

Book a free 15-minute discovery call

Looking for support with e-commerce project?
Let's talk to see how we can help.

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You can also send us an email | commerce@fabrity.pl

In this case the controller of the personal data will be FABRITY sp. z o. o. and the data will be processed for the purpose of marketing Fabrity’s products or services; the legal basis for processing is the controller’s legitimate interest. Personal data will be processed according to our privacy policy.

Fabrity Commerce Sp z.o.o

HQ in Warsaw

PLATINIUM 5 Building

44a Domaniewska Street
02-672 Warsaw

Branch in Lodz

Ogrodowa Office

8 Ogrodowa Street
91-065 Lodz

+48 22 343 06 00

Branch in Rzeszow


18 Warszawska Street
35-205 Rzeszow

+48 22 448 70 00

Branch in Bialystok


Cieszynska 3A
15-371 Bialystok

Branch in Poznań

Poznań Science & Technology Park

Rubiez C1/4 Street
61-612 Poznan

VAT ID: PL9721244346
National Register of Economic Units (REGON): 302441526
National Court Register (KRS): 0000914436